E.ON share: E.ON is in favor of calling for longer operation of nuclear power plants

In the debate about extending the lifetime of nuclear power plants, the company emphasizes: “The federal government recently decided that the issue will not be pursued any further. This means that it is also off the table for E.ON,” as a company spokesman said on Friday when asked by the German press agency stressed.

At the same time, a spokeswoman for the Eon subsidiary Preussenelektra of the German Press Agency confirmed statements in a report published on Friday by the magazine “Spiegel”. According to this, an open letter from the industry association Nuclear Technology Germany (formerly: German Atomic Forum) to Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) is “contained in terms of content”. In the letter, against the background of the war in Ukraine, the association speaks out in favor of the “continued operation of nuclear power plants for energy security”. With “Isar 2”, Preussenelektra operates one of the three remaining nuclear power plants in Germany.

In order to be prepared for a further escalating situation as a result of the war, all available energy sources would have to be used, the letter, which is dated March 21, said. “With regard to the power supply, these are without a doubt German nuclear power plants,” which could cover a not inconsiderable part of the base load requirement with their generation. There are still three nuclear power plants connected to the grid in Germany. According to previous plans, they should be switched off at the end of the year.

At the beginning of March, the Federal Ministries for Economics and the Environment issued a test report that they refrained from longer running times for the three systems. Extending lifespans could only do a very limited job of solving the problem, and at very high economic cost, as well as constitutional and security risks, it said.

The Preussenelektra spokeswoman emphasized that the company had signaled its willingness to talk at the beginning of March against the background of the Ukraine war “and only in this extraordinary situation”. It was a question of examining the general conditions under which extended use of Isar 2 would be possible “if this is expressly desired by the federal government”.

According to their own statements, the members of the industry association “Kerntechnik Deutschland” are companies and organizations from all fields of application of nuclear power technology. Preussenelektra is a 100 percent Eon subsidiary and 75 percent shareholder of the Isar 2 power plant. The remaining 25 percent belong to Stadtwerke München.



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