7 daily habits to strengthen the connection with your child


Act at 11:04


Our day to day is very busy. Eight o’clock arrives and we haven’t spent time with our son or daughter. In these free moments in which we can be with them, we can create some habits that can strengthen the link and connection between mothers/fathers and children. We can implement these 7 simple habits on a daily basis and we will see how the attachment and link we have improvement.

Get down to his height and look him in the eye

Let’s consider this situation. Your son is in the room playing with his toys and you yell at him from the kitchen to put them away for dinner. Now, instead of yelling at him from the kitchen, let’s try going to his room, go down to his level, look him in the eye and say: “honey, you only have five minutes left to play. I’ll let you know so you can go pick up the toys”. The reaction and the connection between our children and us is very different in the two situations. When we say things to our children looking into his eyes and at a height where they notice that we are their equals, There will be much more connection, we will not have to resort to shouting to say things, just as we will not have to repeat the same orders over and over again. If we apply this habit daily we will educate responsible boys and girls.

hug them more

The attachment towards our children is formed since they are small, and give them hugs It helps us to tell them that we are with them, that they can count on us when they are good and when they are bad. It makes them feel safe and makes them feel that they have unconditional support from their parents.

Leave mobiles after one hour

We live in a screened society, we are constantly waiting for a new like, a new follower, a new message. Sometimes, we forget to spend that little time we have free with them and we invest it in paying more attention to the screens. Therefore, so that this does not happen to us, we can set a time limit for the use of screens at home, also so that it is applied to our children if they are older. Using those free moments after work to be with them and them will greatly strengthen the bond and connection.

Follow fixed routines

If the family has a routines fixed that we continue every day, there will be much more tranquility and more family peace. Our children will not feel arbitrariness, they will know what they should expect from the day and it makes things much clearer for their day to day.

Ask them beyond ‘How was school today?’

When we pick up our sons and daughters from school we usually ask them the same questions every day: How was school? What grade have you got? With these questions we get very little conversation with our son, just as we pay much more attention to his academic performance than to how our son feels. Therefore, we can ask some questions that go further: How has what happened to you made you feel? Tell me more about your new friend. How interesting what you have learned, tell me a little more about it, show me.

Do something together every day

When they are little we can read a story together, play, do a chore around the house… And when they are older we can watch a series together that we like, play board games, do some sporting activity together…

Pick up our children and time them

Children get up late, they are already late for school, therefore we are also late for work… Creating a good sleeping habit will allow us all to be more rested and that our children will not take so long to get up. So that getting up can be an incentive, we can help ourselves with a stopwatch to wake them up playing: we can time them to measure how long it takes to get up, make the bed and go to breakfast. We mark their times and they will feel that it is a challenge that they have to overcome every day, a game that is worth getting up for.
