Chiara Ferragni: the week before Fedez’s intervention

TO two days after Fedez’s surgery, after revealing the details of the disease, Chiara Ferragni is back on social mediatelling everything what happened in the last week: from the diagnosis to the break from social networks to the hug in the hospital the day before the surgery. A succession of images in which the couple returns to show themselves in a moment of pain, sharing the fear and awareness of the importance of enjoying life every day.

Chiara Ferragni, the days after Fedez’s diagnosis

“This was more or less our week after Fede was diagnosed and that led to her surgery.” Thus began Chiara Ferragni’s first post after her return to social media. The digital entrepreneur talks about everything they did when the disease entered their fairytale life.

We took some time away from social media. We spent as much time as possible with the children. We went for many visits and exams, we went for a walk, we ate ice cream on a bench, he spent some time with his closest friends. He recorded some music (he did it and I listened to it), slept with Leo in our bed (he usually sleeps in his room) and celebrated his 4th birthday. ” Two people like many others, whose life changes from day to day after a diagnosis.

Time has stopped

Most of this time I felt confused: it was as if time had stopped and I was afraid like never before that something bad could happen »admits the influencer on social media. Confiding in the followers and telling the emotions and feelings experienced in the last few days. “Thank life for changing things for the better,” she added.

We were afraid of everything

In a second post, the businesswoman shared a shot from the hospital, “the day before the delicate pancreatic surgery.” Hugged and united, they face the disease, waiting to know what fate would decide. “We were afraid of everything: her diagnosis, her surgery, her recovery, our life and our family situation“.

The importance of enjoying life to the fullest

Chiara Ferragni Fedez

The hug between husband and wife during Leone’s birthday party (Instagram photo @chiarferragni)

«The operation on Tuesday went well, now he is recovering and we hope this is just a bad memory taught us, once again, the importance of enjoying life to the fullest, every dayChiara wrote again. “I love you,” Fedez commented on his wife’s post. That she wanted to thank “all the people who made us feel their love, helped us and said a prayer for us, gave us a lot of strength”.

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Leo’s birthday

On March 19, the couple’s eldest son turned 4 years old. “We had a big party with all of his classmates and friends since he hadn’t celebrated the last two years due to the pandemic, but we had to change it the day before. Dad was due to have surgery on Tuesday and it was important not to get infected with the Covid (we couldn’t invite so many people). We only invited the five best friends and family »wrote the influencer sharing the images of his son’s party. “Our mood was not the most festive, but in the end it was a great party for our little one,” he added. She calls herself “grateful for these memories.”

