Ali B wants to pick up a career, furious with slow OM: ‘Very frustrating’

Ali B would love to pick up his career again and has already carefully started posting stories on Instagram, but the Public Prosecution Service is not cooperating. “It’s extremely frustrating.”

© William Rutten

The controversial report by Tim Hofman about the misconduct behind the scenes of The Voice of Holland is already two months old, but the Public Prosecution Service has still not made a decision whether a criminal investigation will follow into the various reports that have been made. There are two rape charges against Ali B.


It is already quite inconceivable that Ali B will ever be embraced by major media parties, but pending the investigation, no one at all will want to burn their fingers on him. Since the rapper says he believes in his own innocence, it is important for him that the Public Prosecution Service makes decisions quickly.

Lawyer Bart Swier late Show news know that it is ‘extremely frustrating’ for his client Ali B that the Public Prosecution Service has not yet made a decision. “I’m doing what I can to speed up the process, but there are few legal resources to enforce this in the short term. This is not good for anyone, especially not for the client.”


Especially not for Ali B? How about his alleged victims, who still don’t know where they stand? Lawyer Sébas Diekstra, who assists several Voice victims, wants clarity quickly. “Not only for my clients, but also for the women who are still hesitating to file a report.”

The Public Prosecution Service says that it simply takes time to make a careful decision. “We understand very well that everyone involved wants a definitive answer as soon as possible. At the same time, due care may be even more important.”

What does Brad say?

What does Bram Moszkowicz say about it? He points out to the Shownieuws desk that the vice squad is very busy. “The first reason is that the BOOS broadcast has led to many other reports, so not only within that small world, but also outside it. It has encouraged people to file a report.”

“The second reason is that it is already the case that the vice squad is understaffed. All those detectives are doing their best, but they can’t do that based on the number of people they have now. A number has already been added, but that is not enough.”


Just before the rape reports came out, Ali B suddenly started posting a lot of photos with his children. Apparently he already knew what awaited him then:
