Nothing Phone 1: Everything about features, release and price

With the “Nothing Phone 1”, a team led by the former co-founder of OnePlus now wants to push Apple off the smartphone throne. Many details have so far been left out of the big announcement, but the British start-up apparently relies on extensive cooperation with Google and other hardware manufacturers. The smartphone should convince above all with its seamless connectivity and an open platform.

Hardly any manufacturer can hold a candle to Apple when it comes to high-end smartphones. Above all, the powerful hardware in almost perfect coordination with the iOS operating system makes the overall package unbeatable for many. Unfortunately, this also applies to the high price. Corresponding devices sometimes cost well over 1000 euros. However, the hardware manufacturer from Cupertino could now face competition from the OnePlus environment.

“Nothing” wants to attack Apple

The name “Nothing” sounds less spectacular at first. The London start-up is not a newcomer, but Carl Pei. The former OnePlus co-founder is far from unknown in the industry. In recent years, OnePlus has been considered one of the brands with the most attractive price-performance ratio. All the more interesting is the question of how and with what Nothing wants to attack the highly competitive, high-end sector. You may also see a gap left by Huawei. After all, the Chinese have suffered from US sanctions in recent years and have practically disappeared from the western market.

Well-known hardware partners on board

When it comes to hardware suppliers, the British start-up mainly relies on well-known names. Qualcomm, Samsung and Sony are on board, for example. However, this also suggests that, in contrast to Huawei, the internal workings are not significantly based on in-house developments. For example, competitor Huawei installed its own chipsets with “Kirin”. Apple is also increasingly installing its own developments in its hardware. Not only to become less dependent on manufacturers, but above all to better coordinate hardware and software and reduce energy consumption. Due to the manufacturers mentioned, however, it is obvious that external know-how is used, especially for processors, displays and the camera.

Stock Android as a base

However, unlike the iPhone, the “Nothing Phone 1” is not supposed to have its own operating system. With Android from Google, the manufacturer is bringing an open platform, and they also want to do without additionally installed bloatware. A good move, because these involuntary extras were particularly common on devices from Chinese manufacturers in the past, which unfortunately did not spare the premium segment either. However, the background to this decision is that the Nothing Phone 1, as an open platform, should offer users the opportunity to configure the smartphone as individually as possible according to their own wishes.

Cross Connectivity

Pei particularly emphasized the seamless interaction between hardware and software in Apple devices. Nothing wants to build on this, but in contrast to the model from California, it relies on seamless connectivity between different manufacturers. The phone should easily connect to Apple AirPods or Tesla vehicles, among other things. This, in turn, should hardly be possible with a closed operating system. Apart from the “naked” stock Android, the Nothing Phone 1 is expected to get its own launcher and three major Android updates.

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Assessment of the TECHBOOK editors

At first glance at the specifications, the “Nothing Phone 1” does not really deliver innovative in-house developments, but mainly works with well-known partners. A strategy that is already known from competitors. For the “real” frontal attack on Apple, however, a completely new development of the operating system would be necessary. This is precisely where the particular strength of the iPhone lies, because Android was basically never developed for the hardware of a specific manufacturer. In the past, the devices differed mainly through adjustments to the surface or the launcher. “Nothing” also remains largely true to this concept. All in all, we don’t expect the device to be a big hit, but probably another, albeit interesting, Android smartphone. In the end, the only question that remains is the price: if it is well below 1000 euros, it would probably also be interesting for some Apple users.

