Bijou Brigitte will be in the black again in 2021

The Hamburg-based fashion jewelery supplier Bijou Brigitte Modest Accessoires AG returned to profitability in the 2021 financial year. The retailer owed this to government aid in the wake of the Covid 19 pandemic and an increase in sales.

As the company announced on Wednesday, citing preliminary figures, net profit reached 16.2 million euros in the past financial year. In 2020, Bijou Brigitte still had to post a loss of 31.0 million euros. The retail chain had already announced in January that annual sales had increased by 5.4 percent to 216 million euros.

“This earnings development results on the one hand from the increasing easing of the corona protection measures in the individual countries and the associated opening of stationary retail and on the other hand from the approval and payment of the bridging aid III in the amount of 20.4 million euros,” explained Bijou Brigitte in one Message.

Despite the return to the black, the shareholders still have to forego a dividend: the bridging aid paid out in December is linked to the condition that “in particular, no profit or dividend distributions may be made,” the company explained. Bijou Brigitte wants to publish his full results for 2021 in April.
