Cabinet looks at higher mileage allowance, also points to employers | Inland

That is what Van Rij says in the continuation of the purchasing power debate. A majority of the House of Representatives on Tuesday had asked for a faster increase in the travel allowance. That has been 19 cents per kilometer for years, an insufficient amount with current fuel prices.

“I understand that thought very well,” says Van Rij on Wednesday in answer to the question from the House for a higher compensation. “Let’s take a serious look at how we can bring that forward,” the State Secretary refers to the plan that the coalition already had to increase the compensation by 2024. He does have questions about the financial coverage proposed by VVD MP Heinen, namely the money that will be released now that the jubelton is abolished earlier. According to him, that is not sufficient: “We still have to look for cover.”

Van Rij also points to employers, who could also help their staff with the high costs for commuting: “It is not only the government that has to do it, employers also have to do something.”

hold off

Other requests from the House to do more to repair purchasing power are currently meeting a reluctant cabinet. For example, PvdA and GL would like to see the rent or health care allowance increase further, but Minister Van Gennip (Social Affairs) says there are concerns about the implementation of allowances. “That’s why we don’t want to change them during the year.”

In addition, there are concerns in the House about the implementation of the 800 euro energy surcharge that poor households can receive. D66 MP Van Weyenberg sees, for example, that municipalities doubt whether they have enough budget to give everyone who qualifies that amount and is therefore afraid that they will pay a lower amount just to be on the safe side. Van Gennip promises him that municipalities can simply pay out the 800 euros and that the cabinet will fill any budget gap.

But Van Gennip is holding off on the House’s request to give a larger group of poor households the 800 euros. The cabinet has no money for it and the problem of people who just fall by the wayside is also moving up with a higher income limit, says the minister. A variable amount based on someone’s income instead of 800 euros for everyone is also not an option: “That is very complicated from a technical point of view.”
