Limburg artists honored with performance during King’s Day | 1Limburg

André Rieu, Beppie Kraft and Rowwen Hèze are just a few of the artists who will perform for the royal family on King’s Day. Violinist André Rieu is ‘very honored’ that he can play for the royal family with his Johan Strauss orchestra on King’s Day.

He tells that to Show news

“Very nice, I am very honoured. I heard a little bit about what it would have been like last time. Well that was quite nice,” said the world-famous Maastricht resident.

Big party
He continues: “If all measures are gone by April, which we all hope of course, it will be a big party. Anyway, I think people will finally be happy that the pandemic is over.”

Beppie is also honored and happy that she was asked: “It was a total surprise. I’m going to sing Loat Us Same, hopefully that will be understood by every Dutchman.”

The Maastricht singer has seen the royal family before: “Yes, I’m a fan. I was once there on Prinsjesdag, a few years ago. What struck me is that they are very large people. You normally don’t see that. , but I think it’s very tough, big lazy.”

Beppie already knows what she’s going to wear: “I always wear black. Maybe this time with an orange touch, an orange corsage or blouse.”

Also read: Freedom, connection and own music with King’s Day

Rowwen Heze
Tren van Enckevort of Rowwen Hèze says that it is ‘a highlight to perform for the king and queen’. The members of well-known Limburg band have also met the royal family before: “Once we received an Edison award from Máxima, once they performed for Beatrix on Dam Square and once they attended a private concert. from BLØF, where we were also there. That was perhaps the best moment, no one asked for photos.”

King’s Day in Maastricht this year is all about freedom and solidarity. According to Mayor Annemarie Penn-te Strake, it therefore promises to be ‘a day of unity’. “The war in Ukraine shows that we have to constantly look for connection. Our hearts are therefore with the Ukrainians,” said the mayor on Tuesday at the presentation of the program for King’s Day on April 27.

Corona and war Ukraine
The royal family was supposed to come to the provincial capital in 2020, but the corona pandemic threw a spanner in the works. “What is in the barrel does not sour”, King Willem-Alexander said at the time. That is why Maastricht wants to ‘make it an extra beautiful day’. According to Penn-te Strake, the municipality is still considering special attention for Ukrainian refugees in the program. “But there are still too many uncertainties.”
