Girl (17) released after fatal stabbing Rosmalen: OM is thinking of severe weather

The stabbing in Rosmalen in which 22-year-old Jordy Gruijters from Bossche died last Saturday was probably due to bad weather. That writes the Public Prosecution Service (OM) in a press release. The girls, aged 16 and 17, who were arrested as suspects, have now both been released for the time being.

According to press officer Janine Kramer, there was a ‘completely out of hand argument’ on Saturday. That quarrel broke out between the two girls who were later arrested and another group, to which Gruijters’ sister also belonged. The conflict then continued on public roads. According to the lawyer of the Gruijters family, Jordy’s heavily pregnant girlfriend was also beaten during that fight.

Around the same time, Jordy was called about the argument on the terrace of restaurant De EetBar. The later victim came by car to the Driesprong entertainment square and then walked onto the terrace in an ‘apparently violent state of mind’, the Public Prosecution Service reports.

“Images show that he physically confronts the girls of 16 and 17, with the youngest being thrown from her chair. The oldest is holding a cutlery knife and Jordy is hit in the chest with it. one stab he dies moments later.”

severe weather
Press officer Kramer in the press release: “On the basis of the investigation, all statements and analysis of all video images, we can in any case state that there was a very aggressive atmosphere. An atmosphere in which suspects, witnesses and the deceased victim had a part. We currently assume that the suspect wanted to defend himself against the violence and had no intention of killing Jordy.”

Kramer continues: “Based on the preliminary research findings, we have come to the preliminary conclusion that there has been an emergency situation. According to the law, emergency weather is a defense in a situation in which one is suddenly attacked and in which only self-defense can ward off aggression. Someone has the right to defend themselves in such a situation. In cases where someone makes use of this right, it must be checked afterwards whether this has been done according to the legal rules. For example, the defense must be necessary and appropriate. what we now know and have seen, we now think that this was the case.”

It is not yet clear whether the 17-year-old girl will be prosecuted. The Public Prosecution Service will only decide this after the final file of the investigation has been received. The girl is free to await the outcome of the investigation, but she remains a suspect.

Victim’s mother is stunned
Lawyer Priya Soekhai, who represents the family of the deceased victim, says that Jordy Gruijters’ mother is stunned by the preliminary conclusion of the Public Prosecution Service.

“She really had no words for it. In the eyes of the family, Jordy tried to protect the body of his pregnant girlfriend who was bleeding on the floor. Her daughter has been bullied for years by the suspect, her son was stabbed and dead and now this preliminary conclusion of the Public Prosecution Service. This is just too much for the mother. He was completely silent about it.”

Soekhai has not yet seen the surveillance images on which the Public Prosecution Service relies. But the matter is far from finished as far as she is concerned. “A complaint has been made of assault prior to the stabbing.”


Pregnant girlfriend and sister Jordy file a report, body not yet released

Family and friends commemorate Jordy Gruijters (22) stabbed to death

Jordy (22) stabbed to death leaves heavily pregnant girlfriend and son
