‘She lies about talk show M’

Margriet van der Linden arouses enormous suspicion with the claim that she herself has chosen the end of her talk show M. “This program has been stopped by the bosses of the NPO!”


After five seasons, the agony has come to an end: Margriet van der Linden experienced the last episode ever of her daily talk show M on Friday. “After five seasons of Talk Show M, I have decided not to prepare for next season,” said the presenter in a press release.

Is Margaret lying?

Victor Vlam, America expert and part-time TV expert, doesn’t believe this at all. “With that comment she suggests that this is her own choice. If you read about it quickly, you might just think: well, Margriet just wants to develop new things! That seems to me to be something that is absolutely not the case.”

Margriet is twisting things, Victor continues in his podcast The Communicados: “This is a program that has been stopped by the bosses of the NPO and that was done because the program does not score. The viewing figures were between 500 and 600 thousand viewers and if you look at the programs before and after on NPO 1; they score much better.”

Viewership Valley

The viewing figures were really bad, emphasizes Victor. “EenVandaag what came before it often had double the number of viewing figures of M and the program that came after it, the Achtuurjournaal, often triple. So this is a kind of viewing figures valley. This is where all the viewers disappeared into.”

According to him, the NPO bosses could no longer look away. “This was just an incredible dip and they had to deal with it, so this is the leadership that has said, you know, we’re not going through this, we’re pulling the plug on this.”

loss of face

Meanwhile, Margriet pretends it was her own choice. “Yes, Margriet presents that a bit in a way that it means little loss of face for her, but this is just a brutal resignation from this position.”

It is also right that M has gone on strike, Victor concludes. “I think a big mistake was made. I think that the program is actually too ideological in nature and that it has alienated a large part of the audience,” he says. And furthermore: “It is not a very popular presenter.”


The podcast The Communicados:
