David Beckham gives his Instagram to a Ukrainian doctor

AND I know as much as the stars are jealous of their social profileswhich they use not only to show their lives to followers, but also to announce important news that concern them, such as births, marriages, separations and so on.

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David Beckham46, however, went beyond a natural sense of privacy Literally “lending” his Instagram account to a Ukrainian doctorto inform his followers about the health situation in the country after the attack by the Russian army.

In detail, David Beckhamwhich boasts nearly 72 million followerstherefore a huge audience, he gave his Instagram account to the Ukrainian doctor for a day Irina Kondratova to show the world what is happening in the Kharkiv perinatal centerof which she is director.
Ukraine, the Russians bomb and destroy a children's hospital in Mariupol

David Beckham’s video message

In a video message posted yesterday on his account, the former footballer said that «today I’m handing my social channels to Irinathe head of the regional perinatal center in Kharkiv, Ukraine, where is helping mothers give birth “.
After inviting his followers to go and see «my stories to learn more about the incredible work of Iryna and the health workers, which are saving the lives of women and children ”, invites social users to make donations. “I beg you to give everything possible to support UNICEF and people like Iryna », then posting in bio the link to make the donation.

Celebrities who have donated for the Ukrainian people

There are many well-known faces all over the world who are there not only doing their utmost to make known the real situation in Ukraineoften unknown to the Russians themselves, but also for invite their followers to make donations. First of all, obviously giving them a good example.
David Beckham himself donated to the Ukrainian cause a million dollars. But they made substantial donations too Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher, Gigi Hadid, Leonardo by Caprio, Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds. “When you make a donation, we’ll double it, up to reach one million dollarsThe actor had declared.
Below, Reynolds’ post.
Then, again, the Ukrainians received the donations of Angelina Jolie, Kendall Jenner, Regina Spektor, Neil Gaiman, Kim Kardashian and many more.

