Lydia Peeters maps locations for charging points | Environment

Flemish Minister of Mobility Lydia Peeters has had the potential locations for charging infrastructure in Flanders collected. These locations are made available to the local authorities via potential maps. The measure should help to achieve the ambition of 35,000 charging points by 2025. The Open Vld minister has also mapped out the future need for charging infrastructure for all local authorities. For example, Antwerp will need more than 3,000 charging points by 2025.

In order to make the vehicle fleet greener, the Flemish government wants to significantly increase the number of charging points for electric vehicles in the coming years. Peeters aims for 35,000 charging points by 2025. Flanders currently has 12,559 (semi-)public charging points. Between the end of 2021 and March 2022, 640 charging points were added.

In order to accelerate the roll-out of charging infrastructure, Minister Peeters has mapped out the possible locations for charging points. “On the basis of the potential maps, local authorities can quickly and easily decide where to install charging infrastructure. If a local government wants to roll out charging infrastructure itself, they can quickly see on those potential maps where the ideal locations are,” explains the Open Vld minister.

The Flemish Minister of Mobility Lydia Peeters. © BELGA

Digital counter

There will also be a single digital counter where citizens can submit their application for charging infrastructure. “When a citizen applies for charging infrastructure via the digital counter, the most opportune location can immediately be checked on the potential maps (at a maximum of 250 meters from the home),” said Minister Peeters.

In addition to the potential maps, Minister Peeters has also identified the need for charging infrastructure by 2025. For example, it is calculated per city or municipality how many charging points will be needed. For example, it appears that by 2025, 3,053 charging points will be needed in Antwerp, 1,716 in Ghent, 802 in Leuven, 418 in Hasselt and 809 in Bruges.
