Statement of the day: Depositing money for Ukraine makes more sense than fighting

Is it wise for Dutch volunteers to fight in Ukraine? Photo: EPA/Roman Pilipey

Dutch volunteers want to fight against the Russians in Ukraine. But is that so wise?

This week DVHN published the stories of Frank and Harry, volunteer fighters who returned disenchanted from the war-torn country. They never got around to fighting.

Far too dangerous, according to the locals. ,,If you want to run away, they will shoot you in the back.” ,,Those guys in the training camp sign their death warrant.”


Frank’s own conclusion is also clear: “They are just being slaughtered.” And Harry says: “We would only get two clips of ammunition, about sixty rounds. And then get dumped somewhere to fight.”

According to former analyst Ronald Sandee of the Dutch military secret service MIVD, the Russians know exactly where the foreign war volunteers in Ukraine are. “I think the Russians are already following communication in the West. They track them until they arrive in Warsaw. Just after they cross the border and are in a camp, a rocket falls on their heads.”

Frank and Harry have now fled Ukraine, but their story does raise a question: if you want to do something for Ukraine, isn’t depositing money more useful than fighting?
