Event industry: Lieberberg criticizes “fear and apathy of those responsible for politics”

Event industry: Lieberberg criticizes “fear and apathy of those responsible for politics”



Marek Lieberberg, CEO of the event company “Live Nation Germany”, expressly expresses the desire for freedom for the German concert industry and criticizes the lack of help from politicians.

“The Corona curse brought the events business in Germany to a complete standstill and eroded the professional structures of modern music culture,” said Lieberberg about the precarious situation in the industry in a dpa interview. According to the managing director, steps towards a reopening would fail “due to the fear and apathy of those responsible for politics”. He particularly criticizes the fact that restrictions continue to apply in this country, while “music has long been playing again in other countries.”

Lieberberg is for the maximum utilization of venues

His demand: The venues throughout Germany should again be used to the maximum. In addition, it is necessary to end the “obsolete hindrances and restrictions definitively” “without ifs and buts”. Germany should orientate itself on the countries that have already taken this step.

For the 75-year-old, the fact that the measures are withdrawn is a prerequisite for people being able to exercise their “right to culture” again. For him it is time to deal with the pandemic, if it should last.

In 2015, Marek Lieberberg left his own concert company and joined Live Nation. In recent years, Lieberberg has repeatedly drawn attention to himself with polarizing statements, such as his call for more armed police officers at concerts and his statement on Xavier Naidoo.




