Cabinet wants national corona commemoration moment

Cabinet wants national corona commemoration moment

On Friday, the cabinet approved the establishment of a committee to consider how the Netherlands can consider the consequences of the corona crisis on society. The committee ‘Standing about corona’ is a proposal from State Secretary Maarten van Ooijen (Public Health, Welfare and Sport, ChristenUnie) and has a multidisciplinary composition.

The working group must think about processing, reflection and looking ahead. For example, the committee must work out a national commemoration, for which a date has yet to be determined. It will also play a role in local commemorative events. “The impact of the corona crisis is enormous and is still ongoing. For many there is now room for recovery, but we must also reflect on the silent suffering of many Dutch people,” says Van Ooijen.

The committee may have a maximum of fourteen members. Ten members have now been installed, including Jan Slagter (Media, Omroep MAX), Hubert Bruls (Municipalities, mayor of Nijmegen and chairman of the Security Council), Jeroen Bartelse (Culture, director of Tivoli Vredenburg) and Sanna Elkadiri (Care executive, the first Dutch vaccinated). Arno Brok, the King’s Commissioner in Friesland, is the chairman.

State Secretary Maarten van Ooijen (Public Health, Welfare and Sport, ChristenUnie) addresses the press at the Binnenhof. Photo Sem van der Wal/ANP

RIVM registers less than 50,000 positive tests

The RIVM has registered 49,373 positive tests between Thursday and Friday morning. That is more than 4,000 fewer than yesterday. In the past seven days, 377,534 infections have come to light. That is almost 22 percent less than in the previous week. It is the fastest weekly decline since February 28.

The number of corona patients in Dutch hospitals continues to rise in line with the past two weeks, compared with 20 to 1,975 the day before. There are 152 corona patients in intensive care units, two less than a day earlier. That appears from Numbers of the National Coordination Center for Patient Distribution (LCPS). In the nursing wards, the number of people with Covid-19 increased by 22. There are now 1,823.
