Working from home for Belgian frontier workers: final regulation in the making

Working from home for Belgian frontier workers: final regulation in the making

Working from home was mandatory during the corona pandemic, but in the meantime that obligation has disappeared almost everywhere. About 800 people who live just across the border with France, and 400 people from West Flanders who work in the Netherlands, usually pay tax in the country where they work.

Tax loss

If they are taxed in our country for those working days, they may experience negative tax consequences. There is therefore an agreement with our neighboring countries, and that has been tacitly extended. For the last time, until June 30. After that there should be a definitive solution.

“Frontier workers should not be the victims of the fact that working from home has become permanent,” says Flemish MP Loes Vandromme of CD&V, from Poperinge. “Just like employees in our country, they should be given the opportunity to work from home more regularly, without having to fear adverse tax consequences.”
