Kristian Heiskari starts bossing – she breaks her own rules right away

Kristian Heiskari, who has been chosen as a crofter, decides to make the everyday life of farmers new.

Kristian Heiskar becomes the new crofter in the house. Four

Real TV veteran Kristian Heiskari enters the boots of the croft in the next episode of the Farmi Finland series. Dropped in the previous episode Juhana Pearl Fisherman has chosen Kristian to lead a farmer’s life on a farm.

He decides to take all the joy out of the role of a crofter and draws up a set of new rules that everyone must follow.

– Immediately tomorrow morning at 6.30 we will start with a ticket lift, with a common morning loop and then everyone for their own activities. Let’s start the day and no one will lie down or hang out, Kristian explains to the presenter Susanna Laineelle.

Kristian Heiskari plans to put the other farmers to the actual fire test. Alpertti Rieskjarvi Ruoste Productions

Other celebrities listen quietly as the man lists what is allowed and what is not.

– Swearing in the living room and inside the building is strictly forbidden. If that curse word comes as a surprise, then this applies to me, the punishment is from the door around the well and back to the beaten loop.

Other celebrities give applause for the new rule.

– No one touches the food until everyone is at the table. Then, after eating at the same time, everyone goes to do their own dishes, Kristian continues.

– Resting will be concentrated in the future after eating. Everyone takes a shared 20 minute nap because rest is hell important.

– And then around the well and running, Akseli Herlevi throws Kristian right after.

Kristian is excited to make new rules for farmers ’heads. Four

Kristian, who broke the curse rule, is the first to run around the well.

– You may be a little unsure of your leadership. It looks like it needs to be propped up in some way. On the other hand, I want to give Kristian peace of mind, politician Atte Kaleva notes for TV cameras.

Farmi Suomi Nelonen on Saturdays at 8 pm. Watch all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

Kristian Heiskari, what is the secret to your victories?
