‘The anthill’ | Cristina Pardo and Juan del Val also test positive for covid

Covid has fully affected ‘The anthill’ of Antena 3. This Monday we knew that Paul Motorcycles will be sick for a few days after becoming infected, being Nuria Rock the one in charge of replacing him at the head of the program until he is recovered. But in addition, two space collaborators have also had to confine themselves after testing positive for coronavirus: Cristina Pardo and Juan del Val.

Iñaki López revealed yesterday afternoon that the journalist is part of “the latest surge of those affected”, which is why these days he will present ‘Better late’ alone. Logically, she Pardo will not be able to attend her position as a collaborator of ‘El hormiguero’, where she intervened yesterday through a video call: “I have to thank the routine check-ups at work, because I have no symptoms and at the moment I feel fine”.

He also connected with the Juan del Val gathering, which despite having a slight hoarseness, is in good condition. “I think that, thanks to vaccines, very few people now have serious symptoms”commented to launch a plea in favor of vaccination.

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The writer also took the opportunity to warn Tamara Falcó humorously: “Be careful because she wants to be alone at the table”. “Excuse me, are you referring to me?” Nuria Roca replied with a laugh. “There can only be one left,” one of the ants pointed out on her side.

The one who is not experiencing symptoms is Pablo Motos, who on Monday called his program to explain how he is: “I had a routine check and I have tested positive. I don’t have any symptoms, just my voice is a little taken. I’m perfectly fine, I hope to be there soon and it’s light.”
