Tsunami alarm in Japan near Fukushima

The Japan Meteorological Agency has announced a tsunami alarm for the prefectures of Fukushima and Miyagi, in the east of the country. Het zou gaan om een ​​aardbeving met a kracht van 7,3 op de Schaal van Richter.

There is no longer a duidelijk of the rest of the central core of Fukushima in any way. He also said that there were reports of slachtoffers of a pity. Wel zouden miljoenen gezinnen zonder stroom zitten. The Japanese prime minister, Fumio Kishida, said that the media was lost because the authoritative data was not sent to him.

Last week the country was still thinking about the nuclear ramp up in the region in 2011. A strong 9.0-aardbeving and the tsunami, which was about to cause meltdowns in the core of Fukushima. The ramp ice sea dan 15,000 levens op. Zo’n 38,000 people watched nog steeds tot ze terug kunnen keren naar hun oude woning.

A small supermarket in Fukushima na de aardbeving.Beeld AP
