Line for vaccine doubters becomes line for more medical questions | Inland

The first theme on which the medical information line will focus is the early detection of colorectal cancer. Later this month, the line will also answer questions from teens and their parents or caregivers about HPV vaccination.

Internist Robin Peeters of Erasmus MC set up the Doubt Telephone because he noticed that many people were poorly informed about vaccination against the corona virus. He wanted to counter that with factual medical information, so that people who had doubts about vaccination can make an informed decision. Medical students who have been trained for this answer the phone. They also speak to people in Turkish and Arabic on certain days.

Hundreds of phone calls

The line received hundreds of calls from day one. Erasmus MC hopes to repeat this success for other medical issues. For example, the Doubt Phone should become “a prevention platform” where people can ask questions about various medical issues.

The number of the Doubt Telephone is 088-7555777.
