Productie van iPhones in Chinese Shenzhen gedeeltelijk hervat | Apple

After the obligation to stop production due to a new lockdown due to the corona pandemic, Apple’s partner Foxconn works in the iPhone factory in Shenzhen, in the south of China, specifically because of this.

According to the Taiwanese mode of delivery Hon Hai during the week “slotted circuits” created for the works, with onder sea slaapzalen op het terrein. This means that there is no difference in the production of hervatten.

Na een nieuwe corona-uitbraak had the stadsbestuur zondag een lockdown van a week afgekondigd. In the period zouden all 17 miljoen residents van de metropool have been tested.

China fought with the first corona golf are the beginning of the pandemic two years ago: Wednesday, approximately 3,000 new besmettingen are reported, mostly in the province of Jilin in the north east of the country. In Shenzhen, he was 92 nieuwe local infecties.

China follows a zero-Covid-strategy and responds to local breaks with visitsverboden, mass tests, traffic protection and quarantine.
