Sauli Niinistö and Prince Charles met in London

Prince Charles got to meet with President Sauli Niinistö.

Charles and Sauli Niinistö met today, Monday. TPK

The president of the Republic Sauli Niinistö and the prince Charles met today at Clarence House, the royal residence in London.

– A substantive discussion with His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Wales today at Clarence House, Niinistö tweeted after the meeting.

In the joint picture, Niinistö and Charles look at the camera with a smile.

Niinistö will participate in a meeting of the defense community JEF in London. The meeting will be held by the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the instigation of.

Representatives from all ten countries participating in the JEF defense community have been invited to the meeting. In addition to Finland and the United Kingdom, these countries are Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Iceland and the Netherlands.

According to the Office of the President of the Republic, the theme of the meeting is the war in Ukraine and the security situation in Europe.

Niinistö also has bilateral meetings on the agenda, such as today’s meeting with Charles.
