Dick Lukkien: ‘The first half was a gala performance’

FOOTBALL – It was a lot of fun in De Oude Meerdijk. Not only in the field and in the stands, but also along the line where FC Emmen trainer Dick Lukkien had a wonderful evening. He saw his team make mincemeat of FC Volendam. “I saw a gala performance before half-time.”

Lukkien briefly summed up the evening: “We win in a swirling atmosphere, take the lead and also the third period title. The evening couldn’t be much better.”

Not a single dissonance

The coach of the Drenthe club did not see any dissonance in his team: “Just before the final signal, I asked my assistant (Casper Goedkoop) who the best player was. He wasn’t there, I thought it was a team effort. We have Volendam under pressure all over the field, but we also did what we agreed on on the ball. With deep-running actions we were continuously dangerous. Yes, I really enjoyed it. The second half was less, but oh well, what are we talking about .”

Lukkien does not yet want to speak of a ‘Vorentscheidung’. “No, absolutely not. There are still 24 points to achieve. This was one of the last nine finals. Nothing more, nothing less.”
