Ludo Hellinx and Hilde Van haesendonck shed tears at the forced farewell from ‘Family’ | SOAPS

TV“Until the next!” With that cheerful note, the recently retired Patrick and Jenny said goodbye to the viewer of ‘Family’ on Monday and left on a world tour. That story turn also immediately ensures the exit of Ludo Hellinx (66) and Hilde Van haesendonck (68) from the VTM soap, after ten and eight years respectively. Tears flowed not only on TV, but also backstage: “I feel bad.”

Whether there will be a ‘next’ for Patrick and Jenny remains to be seen. After all, the two actors were clearly told last year that their characters would be written from the series. “It doesn’t bother me much that Jenny and Patrick didn’t die in the story,” says Ludo. “Because meanwhile we are gone and we are disappearing. Can I hope to show up in the series one day? No, I think we can draw a line under this chapter.” Hilde suspects that too. “A comeback from Jenny and Patrick? There are no concrete plans for that. I fear a return will never come.”

Younger family

Patrick and Jenny closed the door of Benny’s (Roel Vanderstukken) house behind them, making way for the arrival of a new and younger family in ‘Family’: that of Samira (Belinda Voorspoels) with her three teenage children. “The morning of my last shooting day at the beginning of February I already felt that it was going to be difficult and it was,” says Ludo. “The farewell was very emotional. I was shocked how some colleagues sympathized with us. Especially the reaction of Roel Vanderstukken, who plays my son-in-law Benny and whom I already know from ‘Flikken’, touched me very deeply. Usually I can hide how I really feel on set, but then it was difficult. Yes, the goodbye hurt.”

Hilde will not soon forget the recording of her exit. “Playing that sensitive scene took no effort at all,” said the actress. “I was very emotional myself. Many tears were shed that day and not just from me. Ludo and I received a warm applause from the team afterwards. That did mean something to me. And the next day my house was full of flowers.”

(Read more below the photos.)

Ludo takes his place on the make-up chair for the last time. © VTM

The actors received flowers on their last day of shooting.

The actors received flowers on their last day of shooting. © VTM

Hilde Van haesendonck says goodbye to colleague Yanni Bourguignon.

Hilde Van haesendonck says goodbye to colleague Yanni Bourguignon. © VTM

Hilde Van Haesendonck shed a lot of tears.

Hilde Van Haesendonck shed a lot of tears. © vtm

Nice offer

Ludo and Hilde have to continue without ‘Family’. “It’s time for something else, but I don’t know exactly what yet,” said the actress. “I received an offer to direct an amateur company. My husband and I did have a trip planned, so I have yet to see if that can be combined. In any case, I hope to be able to continue working. In the theater or on TV.”

Ludo also has to get used to a life without his role as Patrick. “Officially I’m retired now, but I don’t feel like going out on a limb,” it sounds. “The desire to continue working as an actor is too great. My agenda is empty, however, and I don’t mind at all. The first days after my goodbye I also felt bad. At times the negative thought overwhelms me: ‘Is my career really over now?’ My wife then tries to cheer me up: ‘Shut up, it’s going to get loose.’ I hope something else comes my way.”

Also read:

SOAP CHECK. Farewell to two ‘Family’ icons and romance for Werner De Smedt

This week in ‘Family’: an unexpectedly great drama and the final goodbye to Patrick and Jenny

How is Anne Somers, the ‘first Veronique’ from ‘Family’? “The reason for my resignation is still not clear” (+)
