99 e Lode: the free iO Woman course for young graduates

99 e Lode, the orientation course dedicated to digital professions

“Lonly way to do great work is to love what you do. If you still haven’t found what is right for you, keep looking, don’t stop. Never be satisfied and do not be afraid of defeats ». Like this Steve Jobs in the famous and emotional speech at Stanford University in 2005.

Those words are still bible today. Because the dream job exists, seriously. You just have to be willing to get involved, to define your goals and, above all, to know the market.

Why 99 and Praise

It is with this aim that this year too iO Donna, Fastweb Digital Academy and Cariplo Factory gave birth at the third edition of the 99 e Lode project, the free online training campus and guidance on digital professions aimed at 99 Italian graduates between 22 and 27 years old.

Two intense weeks of lessons to learn the abc on crucial topics such as the creation of the perfect and brilliant “catchy” curriculum, on public speaking and the use of social media, on the creation of a professional identity and how to present yourself for an interview also on video (in times of Zoom being a ghost in the dark is no longer acceptable).

The digital professions of the future

And then focus on the three digital professions of the future: the Data Analyst, the UX / UI Designer and the Cyber ​​Security expert. Among the experts, Luciana de Laurentiis, Head of Corportate Culture & Inclusion of Fastweb, Laura Nacci, scientific director of SheTech, Elvira Costante, E-Commerce Manager of Henkel and Gioia Piccioni, lawyer and legal advisor of Cariplo Factory.

Now all the participants will be able to compete for the selection for the free online Master in “Digital marketing & Social Media” of Rcs Academy. In the meantime, they keep in touch on Linkedin. Networking remains the best connection.

99 and Praise.  Selene Pellucchini

The participants of 99 e Lode: Selene Pellucchini

27 years old, from Cortona. Master’s Degree

«From this course I expected what I learned: to improve the my knowledge on the use of Linkedin and Personal Branding. I especially liked the “role models”, the experts. With their testimony they reaffirmed that, by truly believing in ourselves, everything is possible. Then I figured out how to write an interesting curriculum, how to make a presentation video and the world of SEO, online positioning through keywords. I have a master’s degree in promotion of Italy and made in Italy, taken at the University for Foreigners of Perugia. My future? In a company that deals with cultural training and the Italian product. I did an internship at the Italian Cultural Institute in Copenhagen and I was promoting our country. She left her mark on me ».

99 and Praise.  Chiara Masotti

99 and Praise. Chiara Masotti

Chiara Masotti

26 years old, from Bologna. Degree in Languages

“I was born in Bologna, but I live between Milan and Paris to perfect my studies. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Languages ​​and am now a PhD student at the Sorbonne in Paris. I applied for 99 cum laude for three purposes: to deepen the digital world, acquire new skills and network. In the past I had already attended some courses with Fastweb, but surely these ten days have given me more solid foundations. I appreciated the interaction of the coaches with us “students”, pleasant and professional. Teaching online can be difficult at times, but I have never felt burdened. I have certainly perfected public speaking techniques (in the past I was part of a TEDx team) and digital writing. What would I like to do? I don’t rule out journalism“.

Margherita Corrias

99 and Praise. Margherita Corrias

Margherita Corrias

23 years old, from Cagliari. Philosophy degree

“Being selected was an injection of confidence. The degree in Philosophy is not considered by the world of work. And the course confirmed it to me: the most requested profiles are Stem (Science, technology, engineering and mathematics) or at most law graduates as long as they specialize in Communication. So it is as if I had seen the window of a pastry shop: will I ever be able to eat a piece of the cake too? The testimony of Valerie Dupin (Digital Communication Manager Fastweb) enlightened me: if you are valid you emerge even without the most suitable title in your pocket. You can’t always get what you want (You can’t always get what you want) sings Mick Jagger: I want to prove otherwise. What do I have left of the course? The relationship with the companions: we exchange straight “.

Martina Bellan

Martina Bellan

Martina Bellan

27 years old, from Cagliari. Degree in Communication

«I am satisfied with my studies completed in 2020. I specialized at Sapienza in Organization and Marketing for Business Communication. In the future I would like to work as a Digital Strategist. For now my professional experiences are limited to an internship as a copy at Adnkronos and in a communication agency in Cagliari. With 99 and honors I explored aspects that I only marginally knew such as Public Speaking and Personal Branding. I understood the importance of posture, tone of voice and accessories. Never say more than 130 words per minute. I was struck by the testimonies, I felt encouraged at a time when the world of work is stingy with proposals ».

Barbara Altomare

99 and Praise. Barbara Altomare

The participants of 99 e Lode. Barbara Altomare

25 years old, from Taranto. Diplomatic Sciences

«I currently work as a Private Secretary (in the presence of the Admiral) at the NCO School of the Navy of Taranto. I like it, but I still want to improve myself. I have a bachelor’s degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences. And a master’s degree in Socioanthropological Sciences for Integration and Social Security. It was a path of growth and training. The aspect I loved the most was creating presentation videos. And the clear and usable lessons ».

