90 days bride couple in crisis because of family dreams

Shaeeda and Bilal disagree on whether they will try for a child together.

Shaeeda and Bilal have previously drifted to the brink of crisis during their new union. TLC

90 days as a bride: after the wedding – program stars, from Trinidad and Tobago Shaeeda37, and American Bilal42 discuss starting a family and having children in the series’ latest episode.

Shaeeda fully agrees that now would be a good time to start a family, but Bilal wants to slow down. The newly married couple sat down together at the table to write a list of pluses and minuses about having children.

Heavy throttle

Later in the episode, Bilal came up with what he thought was an ingenious way to get his wife to calm down from the stress of family discussions. He has wanted to teach his wife how to drive a car in America, because Shaeeda already has a “really heavy accelerator”.

Bilal got his wife to take a driving lesson. However, Shaeeda stated after the driving lesson that the driving did not calm her down at all as they were currently awaiting the results of the fertility test.

In the episode, the couple also discusses family dreams with the doctor. During the conversation, it becomes clear that the couple is not on the same page when it comes to children.

– We have been trying to have a child, Shaeeda states.

– Tried what? We haven’t tried to have a child, Bilal answers snappily.

Bilal opens up to the doctor about the reasons why he doesn’t want a child right now. He fears that Shaeeda will abandon him after the child is born.

Bilal does not dare to start a family because he is afraid that his wife will leave him. TLC

– There have been times when you no longer said you wanted to be with me. I’ve been divorced before, so I never want to experience that again, especially after having children, Bilal states.

Later in the episode, Shaeeda says she gets annoyed that Bilal doesn’t trust her love. The episode ends with Shaeeda’s dramatic reflection on whether she can continue her relationship with Bilal if her dreams of children never come true.

– My fear is that we will have this same conversation every year and there will never be a child, Shaeeda says sadly.

The couple got married in December 2021. They met online through a mutual acquaintance. Bilal is a real estate investor by profession, while Shaeeda is a yoga teacher.

90 Days as a Bride: After the Wedding on TLC & discovery+. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

Source: People
