9 people stuck for hours in attraction Plopsaland

9 people stuck for hours in attraction Plopsaland

Four carts got stuck on Saturday in the early evening on top of “Ride to Happiness”, one of the more recent rollercoasters in Plopsaland De Panne. The occupants were trapped at a height of 32 meters. They quickly contacted the fire brigade. He had no choice but to use a crane to free them. (Read more below the photo)

Rescue takes more than five hours

The rescue operation proceeded cautiously and lasted until half past eleven in the evening. Four of the nine occupants were safely on the ground floor at a quarter to eleven with a crane. The others soon followed. The nine occupants are in good health but are being taken to hospital for examination. Several ambulances and the MUG service are on site.

Cause unknown

It is not yet clear whether the incident is related to the storm or a technical defect. CEO Steve Van de Kerkhof is also unable to provide clarity. “All attractions are monitored. It also has an anemometer, but the wind wasn’t in a bad direction when the incident happened,” he says.
