852,000 viewers witness jealousy in French B&B: ‘They don’t even say hello’ | show

They seemed to have a bright future ahead: Hans and Petra. The love for horses is present in both. Petra also often lets Hans have his way and the paraveterinary and cat behavior expert actually had no competition from housewife Yovan, who arrived second. How different it is now for 51-year-old Petra. Since the arrival of Daisy, she is no longer comfortable in her own skin. “I’m having an off day,” Petra said. “Just a little more sensitive than usual.”

Meanwhile, Hans changes and enjoys all the attention from the younger Daisy. Although he also indicates that he wants to look beyond the ‘beautiful picture’. Yet the B&B owner does everything he can to please his new flame. And Petra especially notices that. ,,He was really dressed up today. I’ve never seen him like this before. Then I wonder: why are you doing this?”

She also let Hans realize that: ,,You went to the meadow, didn’t you? Or are you going out? You look like you’re going out. You also have clean pants on.” And to the camera: ,,Yesterday he was still wearing pants full of splashes. That didn’t bother him. And now it must be fancy. He behaves completely differently. This is not the Hans I want to see. It is certainly not the Hans I have seen. If it stays that way, I don’t know how long I can last. But that won’t be weeks more than.”

Petra feels invisible. “He enjoys the attention, but in an annoying way.” When Hans and Daisy go on a one-on-one date, she already feels completely ignored. “They don’t even say ‘goodbye’. That’s why I say, “He’s completely lost today.”

Hans also seems to realize that he is being distracted by Daisy. In a telephone conversation he confesses: ,,I have to think with my head and not just with ‘Little Hans’. Which is very difficult.” And Daisy? He doesn’t quite know it yet after riding a horse with Hans. ,,I don’t know if I find it exciting with Hans. In any case, I notice that I sit on the horse differently than usual.”

B&B Full of love is currently the summer evening hit of RTL 4, which broadcasts the program every working day at 8.30 pm. The love affairs of the owners are followed daily by about 800,000 viewers. With that, the love show is still in the shadow of viewing figures stunner The smartest person. For the game show with Maarten van Rossem as a jury member, 1.5 million people again called in last night.

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