8082 new infections – Brandenburg’s corona incidence fell again slightly

According to the State Ministry of Health, the corona incidence in Brandenburg continued to fall slightly on Friday. Accordingly, a value of 1451.9 was reached – after 1455.8 the day before.

On Friday last week, the number of officially registered new infections within a week per 100,000 inhabitants was 1690.4. The national average on Friday was 1259.5.

The district of Prignitz is the only district in Brandenburg with a value of over 2000: with 2636.1 it is at the top. The lowest incidence is in the district of Havelland with an incidence of 1041.9.

The proportion of occupied intensive care beds with Covid 19 patients is the same as the day before at 9.6. The warning light switched from yellow to green in this area.

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On the other hand, the traffic light is still yellow for the number of new hospital patients with Covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants in one week. The number edged back up to 4.78 from 4.74 the previous day. 677 people with Covid 19 disease are currently being treated in clinics, 69 of whom are being cared for in intensive care.

In Brandenburg, 8,082 new corona infections were reported on Friday, and 6,890 on Thursday. The number of deaths related to Covid disease rose by 9 to 5,175.

According to the information as of Thursday, around 1.7 million people are fully vaccinated (rate: 68.5 percent). To date, a total of 1.2 million Brandenburgers have also received a booster vaccination (rate: 50.0 percent).
