80% of Barça’s members approve the management of the current board of directors

On at 5:40 p.m.


The Negreira case worries the partners in a notable way, with 7.56 points out of 10

The assessment of the sports results and the Espai Barça work is positive, but playing in Montjuïc barely passes

FC Barcelona has published today the results of the latest Observatori Blaugrana survey for the 2022/23 season, an opinion study carried out among members to assess the global situation of the club. The survey, carried out by Feedback, included the participation of 3,000 partners residing in Spain, between April 26 and May 5, 2023.

80% of the partners surveyed support the management of the board of directors, and approximately 52% rate their work as remarkable or excellent. The five major decisions made by the club, including the implementation of telematic voting and the activation of the levers, received a positive evaluation. However, playing at the Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys in Montjuïc next season earned a lower score, with 5.07 out of 10.

In sports terms, the degree of satisfaction of the social mass stood at 6.35 out of 10, and 59% believe that the sporting situation will improve in the future. All sections of the club, especially women’s football, received a positive assessment, with a score of 9.38 out of 10.

Regarding the club ownership model, 76.2% of those surveyed consider Barça as “More than a club”, and this is mainly attributed to the ownership model by the partners. In addition, the actions taken by the club to improve the situation of women and promote gender equality were well valued by 65.8% of those surveyed.

In relation to the work of the Espai Barça, the award received a positive evaluation of 6.07 out of 10. Younger members and members, as well as non-subscribers, showed greater support in this regard. The club’s participation in the Super League was also remarkably accepted, with a score of 6.57 out of 10.

However, the Negreira case aroused concern among the partners, obtaining a score of 7.56 out of 10. 68.5% of those surveyed believe that a campaign has been organized against the club, and 8.58 out of 10 consider that this negatively affects the image of Barça.
