8 out of 10 Belgians think it is too expensive to buy a house today | My Guide

Live.More than eight in ten Belgians (84 %) think it is too expensive to buy a house today. More than half also believe that it is better not to build or renovate at the moment. This is apparent from a survey that iVox conducted following the start of Batibouw, the largest construction fair in the country, which just opened its doors and will run until Sunday 29 May.

“We realize that people are concerned about their budget. That is why Batibouw is ideal for making your building or renovation dream come true, since the entire market is represented there. Informing and comparing is more important than ever and nowhere can you do that better than at this fair”, says organizer Frédéric Devos.

For most people who are working on a (re)construction project, the budget is their biggest concern. But there is a growing awareness of energy efficiency. 63% prefer a more expensive home that is sustainable and energy efficient over a cheaper home that is less energy efficient.

“Using less and better is becoming increasingly important due to the sky-high energy prices. There are basic investments for this within every budget. There are often also premiums, but we notice that people do not find their way to them sufficiently. Half say that the information surrounding it is too complex.”
