8-month-old girl abandoned in the car for a wedding: parents reported

A Milanese couple, aged 41 and 31 respectively, were reported by the police for leaving their eight-month-old daughter in the car. On the evening of Saturday 16 September they went to a party and monitored their daughter through a mobile phone on a video call

They were reported for abandonment of a minor by the Carabinieri of Cornaredo the parents of an eight-month-old girl left in the car on the evening of Saturday 16 September 2023 to go celebrate a friend’s wedding. To trace the identity of the two, both Milanese, respectively 41 and of 31 years oldit was the military who found the couple’s daughter inside a stopped car, parked, in parking lot of a restaurant in via Fratelli Cervi in ​​Cusagoin the province of Milan.

remote control

The eight-month-old girl was in the car alone, with her parents who, after being tracked down by the police, justified themselves by claiming “to control the little girl remotely through a mobile phone on a video call and that they had left the windows closed to avoid ailments”. Inside the passenger compartment of the car, in fact, there was an active mobile phone with which the couple, who in the meantime had gone to a wedding party, kept an eye on their daughter, judged “in good health” at the end of the intervention. She was subsequently handed back to her parents who were reported.
