8 mistakes that kill the cell phone battery

Hardly on the go, the smartphone battery is already almost empty – does that sound familiar to you too? You might make one of these mistakes and ruin your cell phone battery. TECHBOOK explains how to properly use your smartphone and thus save the battery.

The battery is probably one of the most important parts of our mobile phone. It decides when we need electricity or even a new mobile phone. If the cell phone battery is broken, a new phone is often needed because a new battery would no longer be worth the purchase price. So watch out: These tricks will help you to make your smartphone last longer.

Do not fully charge the cell phone battery

Actually invented so that we can make calls and write wirelessly, our smartphones usually hang on the charger cord for a long time. The concern: the battery could be empty at any time. You want to be prepared. That’s why we often tend to keep our cell phones fully charged. Unfortunately, the battery is not particularly happy about it! It has been proven that rechargeable batteries can work best at 30 to 70 percent and therefore last longer. It is therefore advisable to charge the battery several times rather than once a day.

Charge too late

You should only charge a battery when it is almost empty – that is a myth and unfortunately wrong! Lithium-ion batteries, as used in every conventional smartphone, are prone to fluctuation if they are not supplied with sufficient energy. Therefore, you should try to avoid a completely empty battery in your mobile phone, so that it does not break down in the long run. Therefore, always connect your mobile phone to the power supply in good time so that the mobile phone always has enough power available.

Also read: New EU battery regulation could put manufacturers under pressure

Charge too early

As a precautionary measure, many people often charge their cell phones too early so that there is no threat of smartphone failure. Anyone who constantly connects the cell phone to the power supply at 50 or even 70 percent damages the battery and breaks it. Our tip: Only connect the smartphone to the charging cable when the battery status is less than half.

The perfect temperature

Your smartphone should never get too cold or too hot, because the battery cannot handle extreme temperatures well. At such extreme temperatures, it has to deliver more power than at normal temperatures. For example, Apple specifies the ideal temperature for using iPhones, iPods and iPads as between 0 and 35 degrees. The reason: a chemical reaction that produces electrons takes place in the battery. The flow of electrons generates energy, which serves as an energy supplier for the smartphone. This chemical process slows down when it’s cold, ultimately even turning off your cell phone. You can find out more here: The cold is so dangerous for our smartphones.

Charge cell phone battery in bed

Even if it is part of the daily habit for many people to charge their cell phone in bed, you shouldn’t do that. Not only can it kill the cell phone battery, but it is also very dangerous for the user. When charging the smartphone, heat is generated that cannot be compensated for by pillows or duvets. Charging in bed can lead to a technical defect if the battery overheats and, in the worst case, even to a fire.

Use a different charger

If the smartphone charger is no longer functional, many users choose a charger from another manufacturer when buying a new one. This is often cheaper to buy. But: Third-party chargers can damage the cell phone battery because they are not optimally adapted to the needs of the respective device. In order not to shorten the life of your battery, you should use the manufacturer’s charging cable.

Store a full or empty battery

The old smartphone is often kept in a drawer as a spare cell phone. However, so that the cell phone battery does not break down during storage, it is recommended that the battery is about half fully charged. Otherwise, the capacity of the battery may be reduced when the charge is low.

Continuous use of a battery case

A battery case helps the phone last longer. But in the long run this can affect the performance of the battery, because both batteries give off heat, which can cause technical damage.
