7774 doctors, nurses and nurses not vaccinated – but still on duty

A person is vaccinated against the corona virus (symbol image)

A person is vaccinated against the corona virus (symbol image) Photo: picture alliance / ROBIN UTRECHT

By Michael Sauerbier

Despite compulsory vaccination in nursing and health care, at least 7774 doctors, nurses and nurses in Brandenburg are still unvaccinated – but are still on duty.

That is 6.9 percent of all nursing staff and 8.2 percent of hospital staff, said Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) on Wednesday in the Potsdam state parliament.

However, the number is incomplete because one district has not reported any data and the city of Potsdam has only reported incomplete information.

The Ministry does not know how close the patient contact of those affected is. To date, Nonnemacher admitted that no person with an “unclear vaccination status” has been banned from entering or working.

“The health authorities of the districts and cities still have questions about the administrative implementation,” said the minister, “We think it will be a while before the appropriate consequences are drawn.”


Doctor coronavirus vaccination care
