71 sheep fall off rock wall in Switzerland: were animals attacked by wolves? † Abroad

They are impressive images from the Swiss Alps: amid lush green meadows in Val Cristallina in Surselva (Canton of Graubünden), dozens of dead and injured sheep lie at the foot of a rock face. What happened here? Is the wolf responsible or is he being made a scapegoat? The authorities also still have many questions.

The fact is that last Saturday a total of 71 sheep fell from a cliff, 43 animals died or had to be put out of their misery. 28 sheep are injured and are still under observation.

The cause of the accident is as yet unclear, but the most obvious hypothesis is that one or more wolves are responsible, says Arno Puorger of the Graubünden Hunting and Fisheries Department.

“One sheep has an injury in the neck that resembles typical wolf bites. Several wolves were also observed in the area during the night from Saturday to Sunday. So there are several clues pointing in the direction of the wolf,” Puorger told local media.

In Switzerland it happens more often that individual sheep fall from a rock wall. However, Puorger stresses that it is unusual for there to be 71 at a time and that the wolf may be the culprit.


It involved a large herd of 1,600 animals, guarded by a shepherd and six dogs. At night they are in a closed area. Still, the question arises whether the sheep were sufficiently protected. How close were the 1,600 animals to each other? Could the dogs follow their trail? “Wolves learn over time to evade measures to protect the sheep. I have heard of similar cases in Graubünden and Valais,” says Lukas Berger from the sheep breeders’ association.

DNA traces are now being sought on the dead sheep that have lesions resembling wolf bites. This is to assess whether wolves are involved and, if so, from which pack.

Despite the demands of the shepherds, the preventive shooting of wolves in the Swiss Alps this summer is not yet on the agenda.
