“70 plus and life is beautiful”

By Sara Orlos Fernandes

The sausage is sizzling, cool beer flows from the beer tap. Sylvia-Fee Wadehn (71) has been campaigning for seniors in Berlin for ten years. In the residential complex in Neukölln that she looks after, the summer party is the highlight of the year.

The residents sit together in the courtyard of the MoRo Seniorenwohnanlagen eV on Rollbergstraße and enjoy the last days of summer.

Sylvia-Fee Wadehn (71), founder of MoRo Seniorenwohnanlagen eV In 2011, she moved to the Rollbergstraße senior citizens' residential complex:

Sylvia-Fee Wadehn (71) founded MoRo Seniorenwohnanlagen eV and moved to Rollbergstrasse in 2011: “It quickly became clear to me that something had to happen here. My fellow seniors need help, need to be more visible.” She looks after 125 seniors in the facility Photo: Charles Yunck

In everyday life, they spend a lot of time in their rooms. It’s sometimes up to 23 hours, as Wadehn knows, managing director of the facility and the good soul. She looks after five houses in Berlin, supports older people with her association every day when visiting the doctor, when shopping and organizes activities for them.

She lives in the complex on Rollbergstrasse and always has an open ear: “Sometimes people stand here in the garden and just want to chat. I’m never off work,” she says.

With the summer festival, she wants to give the residents a few hours away from everyday life, because she knows that funds for activities are scarce all year round.

Helga (73) and Rolf Künstler (82) have lived in the residential complex for four years:

Helga (73) and Rolf Künstler (82) have lived in the residential complex for four years: “If you have a problem, you are always helped. We are interested in culture and would like more senior discounts. Most single people can no longer afford culture” Photo: Charles Yunck

“Seniors are leaning towards social issues in the Berlin household. They need their own budget and a state secretary,” demands the powerful woman. Sometimes you have to fight for years to get a stove for the community kitchen.

Dieter Schulz (82) has lived in the residential complex for five years:

Dieter Schulz (82) has lived in the residential complex for five years: “My wife died three years ago, we were together for 40 years. Since then I sometimes feel lonely. I wrote down her recipes and sometimes cook by myself. If I want to distract myself, I like to dance, I go to a dance evening once a month. You can’t just sit in front of the TV.” Photo: Charles Yunck

Brigitte Wegewitz (68):

Brigitte Wegewitz (68): “I’ve lived here for eleven years. I take my hat off to Sylvia-Fee. She always stands up for us. You’ve reached an age where you don’t go out much anymore. The summer party is a great idea.” Photo: Charles Yunck

On stage at the summer festival are audience idol Dagmar Frederic, Berlin soprano Ingrid Krauß, tenor Heiko Reissig and entertainer Bert Beel. The former Federal Minister of Justice, Herta Däubler-Gmelin, is also celebrating her 80th birthday with the residents that evening.

Like many here, she has a positive attitude towards old age: “70 plus and life is beautiful.”
