7 tips from the stress coach to go on holiday without stress

The summer holidays are about to start in the South Netherlands region. There are people who get a holiday feeling as soon as they get in the car and set off for their destination. “But those are exceptions,” says Tilburg stress coach Mark Broos. He gives tips to start that holiday as relaxed as possible.

There are of course tips to minimize that stress in advance.

1. Accept stress

The most important thing Mark wants to give the holidaymaker is: you don’t have to do anything. “If you replace having to with wanting, then a burden is often lifted off your shoulders. So you shouldn’t enjoy and relax. If you impose that on yourself, it won’t work. Going on holiday can’t always be prevented, so don’t fight against that stress, but resign yourself to it. After a few days, that stress level often drops by itself.”

2. Take time off earlier

“One or two days off before you leave works wonders.”

3. Make a list

It also helps to make a list in advance of things that you need to bring or arrange, so that your head is not burdened with things that you should not forget. You don’t have to think anymore, you just have to tick off.”

4. Let unexpected things happen

You can also worry beforehand about things that are out of your control. “It can also be nice that unexpected things happen. It always provides a good story for later. And if you are in tropical temperatures with a breakdown on the road or you see your plane take off, then focus on what you can do. Alert the emergency center or rebook your flight,” says coach Mark.

5. Leave fit

Make sure you leave as fit as possible. “It sounds logical, but traveling at night when you can’t handle it doesn’t help. Sitting on the plane drunk in the hope that you can sleep usually ends in a hangover and a sleepless night. So realize what helps to sleep well. function and act accordingly. This is different for everyone, so I don’t have general advice.”

6. Live in the moment

Once you get to the destination, it helps to live in the moment. “That may sound a bit floaty,” Mark notes, “but don’t be guided by the perfect photos that ‘must’ be taken. It’s such a shame when photos only show you where you’ve been in retrospect.

7. Ignore your mobile

Ignore the messages that come in on your mobile. Prevent mail and push messages from pulling you back to your daily worries. You just want to get out of that everyday reality.”
