7 tips for making good coffee

Good coffee is made from purity and quality ingredients.

Don’t drink coffee too hot if you want to taste the aromas. Adobe Stock / AOP

Detail. That’s the secret of good coffee.

There is nothing wonderful about this, because good coffee already needs high-quality and fresh ingredients, fresh water and clean equipment.

Helsinki Coffee Festival, Finland’s largest coffee event, will be held again in April. The event bulletin provides seven tips for good coffee:

1. High quality raw material and fresh coffee

In coffee, it is worth investing in high-quality raw materials and freshness. Freshness and aroma are best preserved in coffee when the coffee is preserved as beans and ground fresh just before making coffee.

2. Remember cleanliness

The coffee machine should be cleaned thoroughly every other week.

Do not use too strong detergents or vinegar on it, as they can leave flavors in the equipment.

If you make coffee with the Chemex or V60 method, for example, a long and thin-spout jug is best for pouring hot water. JULY ASCHAN OTHER CREATIVE LTD

3. The right proportions

Proportions are very important.

Depending on the method of preparation, a different amount of coffee is measured. For example, coffee beans in filter coffee are measured at 6 grams per deciliter. One good and widely used ratio for coffee made by Pour over methods such as Chemex is 16 grams of coffee per 250 grams of water.

Dimensions are most conveniently weighed on a scale. If the scale cannot be found at home, you can get a measure that goes with just the right amount of coffee.

4. Correct grinding roughness

If you grind coffee beans in a grinder, also remember the correct grinding coarseness. Many mills have pre-set grinding recommendations for filter coffee, espresso, air press or press pan, for example.

When adjusting the grind coarseness, keep in mind: if the coffee is too strong, grind coarser, if too thin, grind finer.

5. Water is measured in a separate jug

Remember that in addition to fresh water, it is important to pour water into the coffee maker with a separate jug.

Otherwise, unnecessary fats will accumulate in the coffee pot, which will affect the taste of the coffee. If you make coffee with the Chemex or V60 method, for example, a long and thin-spout jug is best for pouring hot water.

6. Wet the filter bag

The filter bag absorbs less paper flavor into the coffee when it is preferably soaked in hot water before measuring the coffee grounds. At the same time, the serving container used to extract the coffee, such as the Chemex or V60 jug, is preheated.

White filter paper lets a less paper-like taste through brown filter paper.

Purity and freshness are also criteria for good coffee. Eeva Paljakka

7. Coffee is consumed in the right degree

The coffee is also not stopped or reheated. You should always make the amount of coffee you drink at that time.

The coffee should not be left on the kettle plate, as it can easily overheat. If you make coffee using pour over methods such as Chemex or V60, the water temperature should be 92-94 degrees.

Once the coffee has been poured into the cup, it is a good idea to let it cool in the cup for a while. If the coffee is consumed too hot, its flavors and aromas will not stand out.

22.-24. The Helsinki Coffee Festivals will be held in April together with the Ice Cream and Chocolate Carnival.
