7 detained in prison for the murder of a man in Roquetes

A court of Tortosa, in Tarragona, has decreed the entry into provisional imprisonment without bail for seven detainees for the murder of a man who rushed from a house in the town of Roquetes, during a fight.

About ten o’clock last Tuesday night, January 4, the local police was alerted to a fight inside a home and, when the agents arrived at the building, they found to a man who had fallen from a dwelling and that it also showed signs of criminality.

The medical personnel who appeared at the scene of the events could only certify the death of the victim.

A complex investigation

Cash of Criminal Investigation Area (DIC) of the Terres de l’Ebre Police Region took charge of the investigation to clarify the circumstances of the facts, and thus be able determine if the victim fell already injured or was pushed.

Related news

As a result of the investigations, which are still under secret by court order, the Mossos arrested last Wednesday, the 5th, to seven people for their alleged involvement in the violent death of this man.

The seven detainees have passed this Friday to judicial disposition in Tortosa and the judge has agreed provisional prison, communicated and without bail for all of them for a crime, provisionally classified as murder. Likewise, the Catalan police are keeping the investigation open and further arrests are not ruled out.



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