680 Afghaanse vluchtelingen hebben geen right op bescherming in België | landlocked

Are the Taliban in Augustus aan de power kwamen in Afghanistan is the situation changed, het clicks at the Commissariaat-Generaal. “He’s still been killed in the country, but he’s not really wanted anymore. Not all people have been told about the Taliban, he’s been told about the world,” says commissaris-generaal Dirk Van Den Bulck aan de openbare omroep.

“In February, zijn de asielzoekers opgeroepen van de honderden dossiers the intussen were blijven liggen. Zij zijn gehoord en in maart hebben velen van hen dan een weigeringsbeslissing kregen”, aldus Van Den Bulck.
Alleen de Afghaanse asielzoekers the personal risk of being tortured by vervolging, such as human rights activists, journalists and people met with a policy that was not tolerated in the country, gives rise to great light.

The refused Afghan dossier before the end of the total amount was decided in Maart. In Maart the number of dossiers recognized was 28.5 percent, in February it was still 44.7 percent.
