626 gold ducats: Joeri’s Efteling toilet is getting completely out of hand

What started with a funny idea has now become a project for years: Joeri’s toilet is slowly turning into a mini-Efteling. The newest addition: 626 gold ducats adorning the ceiling. They come from Ezeltje-Strekje in the Fairytale Forest, Joeri Damen from Etten-Leur saved up for almost two years.

It was no surprise that you entered the toilet of an Efteling fan: with a golden toilet seat and golden toilet roll holder, a magic mirror and Efteling logos wherever you look, there is no other conclusion to be drawn.

The toilet brush has the handle of a sword to pull it out of the holder, the walls are covered with pictures and maps, there is a golden key under a bell jar and candlesticks hang from the wall. “Yes, there is a lot to experience”, agrees Joeri soberly.

And now a golden ceiling. It cost a small capital, because all coins come from real from the Fairytale Forest, for 50 cents each. Straight from the ass’s behind. Appropriately yes. “They fit fine in the toilet indeed.” Joeri did not buy all the coins himself. Friends, family and acquaintances saved up for him. Even the Efteling sent a few.

“I have a pair of imitation shoes now, but I really want the real ones.”

“I already had some in my own Efteling collection beforehand,” says Joeri. “And some people in my area still had some lying around. And I have a few girls next door who regularly go to the Efteling who always wanted to take some coins for me.”

You would think that with hundreds of gold coins hanging from the ceiling, the ‘Efteling toilet project’ would now have come to an end. But nothing is less true. Joeri already has new ideas for the smallest room in the house. “I now have a pair of imitation red shoes on the ceiling,” he starts. “But I would like the real one. I don’t want to beg, at the Efteling, but actually I do,” he laughs. “They are welcome!”

And another craft project is also on the list: flushing with a gold ducat. “I’m now working on a push button that ensures that when you flush, you actually hear coins falling.”


Efteling surprises Joeri with Ezeltje Stretchje coins for his fairytale toilet

Joeri’s toilet is a fairy tale from the Efteling
