60,000 Ukraine refugees are in Berlin – who can stay?

Around 60,000 refugees from Ukraine now live in Berlin. The Governing Mayor Franziska Giffey (43, SPD) assumes that. The Senate is now creating clear rules for admission.

The number of refugees from Ukraine is a rough estimate based on two specific numbers:

► 32,410 refugees have already received immediate benefits from the district social welfare offices (e.g. 367 euros/month for singles).

► 19,800 applications for the registration of 35,000 refugees were submitted to the immigration office – a quarter could be processed by the end of the week.

The fact is: Berlin absorbs much more than the five percent that is mandatory according to the so-called Königstein key – currently well over ten percent. “Berlin is the most popular place,” says Franziska Giffey. “That’s why clear criteria for admission are important.”

In principle, only those who can prove that they have quarters for six months can stay in Berlin. In addition, may remain:

► who already has family in the city. “It is important to us that the refugees can keep a small piece of home here,” says Social Senator Katja Kipping (44, left).

► who has a job, apprenticeship or university place.

► Pregnant women/women who have recently given birth during maternity leave. Kipping: “We don’t want any sudden births in the buses.”

► Refugees who are unable to travel and have serious health problems.

Also read about this

► Giffey: Disable support for aggressive war in pro-Russia demos

► Dead civilians on the streets – Klitschko accuses Putin of genocide

For other groups, it is checked where in Germany the conditions are particularly good. For example, Jewish groups should only go where there are Jewish communities. Or queer people only in regions where they can find support.

Social Senator Kipping made it clear: “There will be no landlord-style politics. And lobbying by members of parliament is of no use either – decisions are made according to clear criteria.” Since Berlin is now only served by regular trains from Poland and no longer by special trains, expensive hostels can be removed from the list.

Ukrainians who do not claim benefits can live wherever they want.
