60 percent (!) of checked drivers test positive for drugs

60 percent (!) of checked drivers test positive for drugs

The 19 local police zones and the federal road police organized extra traffic actions throughout the weekend. Nearly 6,000 drivers were checked for alcohol behind the wheel: 1.7 percent tested positive. That is the best result since 2018.

But drugs in particular appear to be a major problem. All in all, half as many people tested for drugs behind the wheel as compared to last year. But 60 percent of the 35 tests turned out to be positive. Governor Carl Decaluwé speaks of a hallucinatory figure. He therefore wants to act sternly.

It is also striking that many speeding offenses have been recorded. 13.4 percent of the checked drivers drove too fast. And there is also an increase in the number of drivers driving around without a (valid) driving licence. During checks, 11 people ran into the lamp.
