60% of Spaniards with hearing problems do not use any device to hear better


06/21/2023 at 16:33


In Spain, 4.6 million people -10% of the population- have hypoacusis or impaired hearing, a difficulty that becomes more visible after the age of 50

Some 4.6 million Spaniards -10% of the population- have hearing loss or impaired hearing, a functional deficit that occurs when a person loses hearing to a greater or lesser degree. A difficulty that begins to be visible from the age of 50, although only 39%, approximately 4 out of 10 affected, use hearing aids to improve their hearing. 60% have not adopted any type of aid to hear better. The reasons they argue is they are not comfortablethat it would embarrass them, that they cannot afford it, that the hearing loss does not seem so serious to them, or that they believe that these devices will not help them.

They are data that has been disclosed the National Association of Hearing Care Professionals of Spain (ANA) at the presentation of EuroTrack 2023, the largest comparative study between European countries on hearing loss and use of headphones. As revealed by the study, the degree of penetration of these devices among people with hearing loss in Spain has increased slightly compared to 2020, but it continues to be low, especially in cases of mild hearing loss, where it is only 12%. In cases where the signs of deafness are more evident, the hearing aid adoption rate stands at 68%.

Among the justifications for this rejection -besides the stigma, the prices or thinking that it will not help them- there are other like the otolaryngologist has not recommended ithave other, more important priorities, only mishear high-pitched sounds, hear well enough in most situations, or family doctor it has not been suggested.


When it comes to economic issues, Francesc Carreño, president of ANA, explains to EL PERIÓDICO DE ESPAÑA, from the Prensa Ibérica group, that “cost is not one of the main reasons.” In fact, the percentage that he argues is for the money that the devices cost “it’s very low”. According to hearing aid technologydetails, one can speak of a fork of between less than 1,000 euros to more than 4,000. And review: “it is very difficult to talk about a specific price, because the important thing is the work behind it.”

In Spain, there is state aid for children and young people (ages between 0 and 26 years) who are diagnosed with hearing loss so that they can access hearing aids for free

In Spain, indicates the president of this association, state aid for children and young people is stipulated (ages between 0 and 26 years) who are diagnosed with hearing loss so that they can access hearing aids free of charge. “For the others there is no official aid, but they do offer subsidies that are activated by city councils, social entities, etc. It is true, that the lack of aid is a lack that exists in Spain. In fact, there are other countries like FranceFor example, have a public system“, Explain. In Denmark, England, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands or Germany, the devices they are also fully or partially financed by the state.

The main reason for not using these devices, insists this professional, is still related issues “with the stigma, with the fear of whether it will work correctly and the advice of health professionals. Many times we think that the main reason is the price, but it’s the ultimate for people looking for a hearing solution.”

social stigma

The ANA survey specifies that, among hearing aid users, 64% say that “they have never felt that people in your same situation make fun or rejected due to the use of these devices, while among those with hearing loss, but have not decided to fit a hearing aidthe situations in which kidding occurs more frequently“. This means, this entity specifies, that in cases of hearing problems, “the reason for the mockery that is made on occasions is not so much for the use of these devices but of not finding out one of what is happening around you“.

Seniors in a residence. | EPE

Based on EuroTrak 2023 data96% of users declare that the use of these devices allows them to listen and understand speech better, which facilitates communication with their environment. Regarding the work environment, 96% of the workers who use hearing aids state that they are not only useful in carrying out their work, but also increase the possibility of promoting themselves and “to have a better job and salary”.

Another fact revealed by the report is that 32% of the people with hearing loss think it is the origin of depression or sleep disturbances (24%), poor vision (15%), high blood pressure (13%), back problems (11%), diabetes (8%) and also dementia (8%).
