60% of consumers are not interested in virtual shopping

Despite the enthusiasm around the metaverse for almost a year, and the turn taken by most web giants not to miss this trend, a study conducted by productsup reveals that most consumers (60%) believe not be interested in virtual shopping.

Consumers are not ready to buy in the metaverse

This survey was conducted among 5,000 consumers aged 16 and over in Europe and the United States. The study focuses on the evolution of shopping experiences and in particular on consumer expectations relating to the metaverse and sustainable shopping. The report shows that consumers are more likely to make a purchase if a product is reusable (71%) or recyclable (70%). Also, 60% of respondents say they have no interest in doing virtual shopping, whatever the products. A statistic that could call into question the supposed advent of the metaverse.

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Several experts estimate that the revenues of the metaverse should reach 800 billion dollars in 2024. Enough to encourage most companies to enter the competition. Even as Gen Z welcomes the advent of the metaverse and digital-only purchases much easier than its older counterpartsthe results of the report of productsup don’t exactly go in that direction. Rather, they show that consumers are primarily interested in online consumption that offers transparency, accessibility and availability.

Sustainability: an extremely important criterion in 2022

Over the past decade, consumers have become increasingly aware of product sustainability. In 2022, the reality is that it is no longer enough to affix a label ” Fair trade “ Where “biodegradable” about your products: 43% of consumers want a detailed explanation of how the product is biodegradable and 40% also want information proving that the product complies with its label ” sustainable “. Consumers no longer let themselves be fooled by greenwashing According to Lisette Huyskamp, ​​Marketing Director at productsup.

Technologies that combine physical and digital purchases are fairly well received: 47% of consumers say they would make a purchase if they could access digital experiences while physically shopping. The study specifies that the use of augmented reality, such as smart mirrors or mobile filters, can help motivate consumers and encourage them to buy. Most consumers aren’t quite ready to give up the proven methods of decades past.
