6 Steps to Driving In-Store Traffic

Father’s Day Guide: 6 Steps to Driving In-Store Traffic

White Papers > Marketing > Father’s Day Guide: 6 Steps to Drive In-Store Traffic

In this ebook, discover 6 steps to generate in-store traffic and boost your sales on Father’s Day.

By Digitaleo
French language

This book is primarily intended for managers of point-of-sale networks, franchise managers and, more generally, professions linked to marketing and communication.

If the French celebrate Father’s Day less than Mother’s Day, it is nonetheless a key commercial event in June for merchants and e-merchants. The latter must therefore set up creative marketing actions if they want to make the most of the game and thus be visible online. Because with the advent of ROPO (Research Online Purchase Offline), consumers now do their research online before making a purchase in store.

In this ebook, we detail 6 essential steps to generate traffic in your local establishments and thus boost your sales on Father’s Day. We also illustrated our remarks with concrete examples.

Here are some of the 6 steps to discover in more detail in this ebook, to generate traffic in your establishments:

  • Define your offers according to your strategy and your objectives
  • Ensure the visibility of each of your establishments
  • Support your establishments

As you will have understood, your marketing strategy and your online visibility are essential levers for generating traffic and boosting your sales on Father’s Day.

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