6 out of 10 worried about leaving their home uninhabited while on holiday | My Guide

The figures come from a survey that the YouGov Institute, commissioned by Netatmo, conducted last month among 1,000 Belgians. The main concern when traveling is fear of burglary (46%), followed by the risk of fire (29%), flooding (21%), and natural disaster (11%). Striking: during the summer holidays we are significantly more concerned than during other school holidays.

Despite fears of domestic burglaries, barely a quarter of the homes surveyed are equipped with a security system. However, half of them believe that their home is insufficiently secured. If you intend to do something about this, you will primarily opt for do-it-yourself devices that do not require a paying subscription. Since the advent of intelligent and easy-to-install solutions, the DYI category has grown by more than 20% every year.
