6 online events to attend this week!

Are you looking to deepen your knowledge on a subject or obtain information on a theme? We have six free online events taking place this week that will satisfy your thirst for knowledge.

Discover more webinars and online conferences on our webinar calendar with Livestorm.

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A webinar to successfully engage your audience during web conferences, virtual events and meetings

Who ? Livestorm and Beekast
When ? On 05/18/2022
At what time ? At 11:30 a.m.
Topic : Livestorm and Beekast join forces to explain how to capture the attention of your audience and encourage them to participate in your online events. The two companies will review key features that help create interactive and engaging webinars.


An online conference to discover how to combine print and digital to boost in-store traffic

Who ? Digitaleo
When ? On 05/19/2022
At what time ? At 11:30 a.m.
Topic : Although digital is now at the heart of any marketing strategy, print remains a real asset for increasing in-store traffic. During this webconference, Digitaleo experts will show you how to combine the two methods and make the most of each of them.


A webconference to understand the importance of content clarity in digital accessibility

Who ? Ipedis
When ? On 05/19/2022
At what time ? At 10 o ‘clock
Topic : On the occasion of World Accessibility Awareness Day, Ipedis will tell you how clear content helps make digital devices accessible to everyone. The speakers will present a use case to help you better understand the challenges of web accessibility.


An online event to more easily identify the right prospects

Who ? Manageo
When ? On 05/17/2022
At what time ? At 17 o’clock
Topic :It is sometimes complex to identify the prospects on which it is relevant to invest time. To help you in this task, Manageo will present the mList solution, which allows you to target prospects simply and analyze their potential. One objective: to save time in the prospecting stage.


A webinar to learn about the key role of Waze ads in strengthening local awareness

Who ? Kamp’n and Waze
When ? On 05/17/22
At what time ? At 11 o’clock
Topic : This online event is an opportunity to understand how Waze Ads can be effective levers for reaching nearby customers. Experts will show you how to create effective ads that will help your strategy succeed.


A webconference to understand the role of emotions in the commitment and motivation of its teams

Who ? Meltis
When ? On 05/17/2022
At what time ? 9am
Topic : What if emotions were a lever for engagement within organizations? Meltis will explain to you why it is important to understand and apprehend the emotions of its employees to engage and re-motivate its teams. You will discover the existing solutions to achieve this.

