6 healthy nuts: the many benefits and how little you need | Lifestyle

Nuts, for starters, are rich in healthy, unsaturated fats. Out Research It turns out that people who eat a lot of nuts regularly are healthier and slimmer. Good nutrition also during weight loss, so. This is because the healthy fats stimulate your body to burn body fat. Nuts are high in calories, but not all of them are absorbed into your body because a portion of fat remains trapped within the fibrous wall of the nut during digestion.

Healthy Nuts and the Health Benefits

Nuts help lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of cancer and are packed with antioxidants and nutrients such as magnesium, selenium, calcium, phosphorus and manganese. For your daily mix, check the nuts and the health benefits below. This way you know exactly which nuts to eat to get the most out of them. The best is of course a nut mix.

1. Almonds

Almonds score high when it comes to the amount of calcium. They also contain a lot of fiber, vitamin E and magnesium. Almonds help lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease and protect against diabetes. Almonds contain a lot of protein (20 grams per 100 grams), important if you do a lot of sports or want to lose weight.

2. Cashew nuts

Cashews have been one of the most popular nuts for years. This is mainly due to the delicious taste, but they are also rich in iron and magnesium (more than almonds) and the unsaturated fat is predominantly oleic acid (the same as in olive oil). Cashews can help reduce the risk of cancer, maintain a healthy heart and strong bones, and are good for your skin, according to several studies. These nuts also contain a lot of protein (18 grams per 100 grams).

3. Walnuts

Walnuts are a rich source of omega-3 fats, antioxidants and phytosterols. More than the other healthiest nuts in this list. Walnuts are good for your heart, would help prevent the risk of cancer and are good for your brain when you have symptoms of depression. Walnuts also appear to reduce the risk of age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s.

4. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are rich in unsaturated fats, magnesium, calcium and vitamins B and E. They are good for your heart, help reduce the risk of cancer and help keep muscles healthy.

5. Pecans

Although they are high in calories and fat, they are still good for you, especially for men. Pecans contain beta-sitosterol, which helps to relieve the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

6. Peanuts (not actually nuts)

Technically, the peanut is a legume, but in this list we classify this boy among the nuts. They contain more folic acid (vitamin B11) than most nuts. Folic acid is essential for brain development. Folic acid also promotes a healthy pregnancy and reduces the risk of birth defects. Peanuts also boost memory, help fight depression and reduce the risk of heart disease. Peanuts contain more protein than most nuts (21 grams per 100 grams). Healthy to eat if you often exercise or want to lose weight. Unsalted, huh!

How do you get enough in a day? Breakfast! Admittedly, nuts are not cheap. But you don’t need that much to get enough daily. It Nutrition center recommends a handful per day, which equates to 25 grams. An average bag consists of 200 grams, so you can go ahead with that.

Handful of nuts

But when do you eat these healthy nuts and how do you get enough. A lot of people forget a hand every day. Many people also do not like dry, unsalted nuts. We would say: add them to your breakfast routine, then you don’t have to think about it for the rest of the day. And are they tasty too, although that is a subjective truth.

This way you can put them in the milk instead of cereals. Add a little liquid peanut butter and honey and you have a delicious breakfast, in which you can eat a grapefruit for the vitamins, for example. If you prefer not to drink milk, you can add nuts to the yogurt or to the oatmeal with water or something like almond drink. Below three recipes from our sister title culy.

  • Warm oatmeal porridge with cinnamon, nuts & fruit (recipe
  • Greek yogurt with pistachios, walnuts and honey (recipe
  • Quick yogurt with apple, toasted pecans & cinnamon (recipe
