6 events and online conference to follow this week

Would you like to obtain information on a specific subject or improve your knowledge in a particular area? Check out six free online events taking place this week. To find all the webinars & other conferences on our webinar agenda with Livestorm.

An online conference to successfully organize and lead engaging webinars

Who ? Livestorm
When ? On 05/10/2022
At what time ? At 5:00 p.m.
Topic : Webinars can be powerful marketing levers, provided they are well designed. Livestorm will show you how to successfully create and animate engaging online events using interactive features, in order to succeed in retaining and developing your audience.


A webinar to understand the need for digital skills to find a place in the luxury market

Who ? EFAP
When ? On 05/11/2022
At what time ? At 11:30 a.m.
Topic : Luxury is a sector in full digital transformation. For both large houses and small businesses, the challenge is to improve the customer experience and the management of their reputation. EFAP will return to the importance of communication and digital marketing skills in this context. One goal: to boost your employability.


A webconference to discover the importance of digital skills to find a place in the job market of major French cities

Who ? EFAP
When ? On 05/13/2022
At what time ? At 12:30 p.m.
Topic : EFAP invites you to learn more about the digital skills needed to become a digital transformation and marketing manager in Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon and Paris. An opportunity to understand the turn that your professional career could take.


A webinar to learn the key elements to improve your conversion rates

Who ? Medalia
When ? On 05/11/2022
At what time ? At 11 o’clock
Topic : Boosting conversion rates is a central issue for companies. Medallia experts will show you how to maximize them with Medallia Digital Suite, a customer experience platform that combines customer feedback and predictive analytics from digital behavior data.


An online event to successfully optimize costs and perfect your e-commerce strategy

Who ? ShippingBo
When ? On 05/10/2022
At what time ?At 11 o’clock
Topic : Being profitable is a common goal for all organizations. The two speakers from Shippingbo will reveal how a competitive delivery strategy and a freight forwarder can help you get there.


A webinar on the benefits and features of no code and low code

Who ? EduGroupe
When ? On 05/12/2022
At what time ? At 11 o’clock
Topic : EduGroupe will return to the operation of no code and low code, their advantages and their different use cases. The speakers will perform a demonstration to help you better understand their workings.


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